

  1. dinh2024comparison.jpg
    Comparison of tug-of-war models assuming Moran versus branching process population dynamics
    Khanh N. DinhMonika K. Kurpas, and Marek Kimmel
    eLife, 2024
  2. jaksik2024multiomics.jpg
    Multiomics-based feature extraction and selection for the prediction of lung cancer survival
    Roman Jaksik, Kamila Szumała, Khanh N. Dinh, and 1 more author
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024
  3. xiang2024inference.jpg
    Inference of chromosome selection parameters and missegregation rate in cancer from DNA-sequencing data
    Zijin Xiang, Zhihan Liu, and Khanh N. Dinh
    Scientific Reports, 2024
  4. czerniak2024inferring.jpg
    Inferring bladder cancer evolution from mucosal field effects by whole-organ spatial mutational, proteomic, and metabolomic mapping
    Bogdan Czerniak, Sangkyou Lee, Sung Y. Jung, and 8 more authors
    Research Square, 2024
  5. mcpherson2024ongoing.jpg
    Ongoing genome doubling promotes evolvability and immune dysregulation in ovarian cancer
    Andrew W. McPherson, Ignacio Vázquez-Garcı́a, Matthew A. Myers, and 8 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  6. dinh2024cinner.jpg
    CINner: modeling and simulation of chromosomal instability in cancer at single-cell resolution
    Khanh N. Dinh, Ignacio Vázquez-Garcı́a, Andrew Chan, and 4 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  7. dinh2024approximate.jpg
    Approximate Bayesian Computation sequential Monte Carlo via random forests
    Khanh N. Dinh, Zijin Xiang, Zhihan Liu, and 1 more author
    arXiv, 2024


  1. bondaruk2022origin.jpg
    The origin of bladder cancer from mucosal field effects
    Jolanta Bondaruk, Roman Jaksik, Ziqiao Wang, and 8 more authors
    iScience, 2022
  2. funnell2022single.jpg
    Single-cell genomic variation induced by mutational processes in cancer
    Tyler Funnell, Ciara H O’Flanagan, Marc J Williams, and 8 more authors
    Nature, 2022


  1. dinh2021predicting.jpg
    Predicting time to relapse in acute myeloid leukemia through stochastic modeling of minimal residual disease based on clonality data
    Khanh N. DinhRoman JaksikSeth J. Corey, and 1 more author
    Computational and systems oncology, 2021
  2. salehi2021clonal.jpg
    Clonal fitness inferred from time-series modelling of single-cell cancer genomes
    Sohrab Salehi, Farhia Kabeer, Nicholas Ceglia, and 8 more authors
    Nature, 2021


  1. dinh2020application.jpg
    Application of the Moran model in estimating selection coefficient of mutated CSF3R clones in the evolution of severe congenital neutropenia to myeloid neoplasia
    Khanh N. DinhSeth J. Corey, and Marek Kimmel
    Frontiers in Physiology, 2020
  2. dinh2020statistical.jpg
    Statistical inference for the evolutionary history of cancer genomes
    Khanh N. DinhRoman JaksikMarek Kimmel, and 2 more authors
    Statistical Science, 2020


  1. laks2019clonal.jpg
    Clonal decomposition and DNA replication states defined by scaled single-cell genome sequencing
    Emma Laks, Andrew McPherson, Hans Zahn, and 8 more authors
    Cell, 2019


  1. dinh2018comparison.jpg
    A comparison of the Magnus expansion and other solvers for the chemical master equation with variable rates
    Khanh N. Dinh, and Roger B. Sidje
    In Recent Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Methods: IV AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, August 20–25, 2017 IV, 2018
  2. dinh2018inexact.jpg
    Inexact methods for the chemical master equation with constant or time-varying propensities, and application to parameter inference
    Khanh N Dinh


  1. dinh2017analysis.jpg
    Analysis of inexact Krylov subspace methods for approximating the matrix exponential
    Khanh N. Dinh, and Roger B. Sidje
    Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2017
  2. dinh2017application.jpg
    An application of the Krylov-FSP-SSA method to parameter fitting with maximum likelihood
    Khanh N. Dinh, and Roger B. Sidje
    Physical Biology, 2017
  3. dinh2017adaptive.jpg
    An adaptive Magnus expansion method for solving the chemical master equation with time-dependent propensities
    Khanh N. Dinh, and Roger B. Sidje
    Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics, 2017


  1. dinh2016understanding.jpg
    Understanding the finite state projection and related methods for solving the chemical master equation
    Khanh N. Dinh, and Roger B. Sidje
    Physical Biology, 2016